Thursday 3 December 2015

4. Ritta and Christina Parodi

4. Ritta and Christina Parodi

Ritta and Christina Parodi Siamese Twins
Ritta and Christina were born in 1829 in Sardina. Their family, although poor, decided to make a trip to France where they hoped that doctors and scientists would pay good money to examine the twins. However, the family did not know how to promote the twins and thus grew poorer and poorer each day.
The family then tried to exhibit them publicly but the city officials would have none of that. However, word spread and to the family’s delight, doctors came to examine Ritta and Christina. Unfortunately, the constant observation interfered with the twins sleep and Ritta, who was of ill health since the day she was born, grew weaker and weaker by the minute. She eventually died eight months after she was born. Christina, who was always of strong and of good health, died only moments later.


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