Thursday 3 December 2015

5. Radica and Doodica

5. Radica and Doodica

Radica and Doodica Siamese Twins
Radica and Doodica, also known as the Orissa sisters, were born in India in 1889. The residents of the village were distraught by the twins’ appearance, saying that they were ‘symbols of divine wrath.’ The whole family was chased out of town. Upset with how his daughters looked, their father was about to separate the girls himself but was stopped by an official who handed the girls to a local temple.
In 1893 the twins were sold to a showman Captain Colman. They then began to travel around Europe, performing at various shows and exhibitions. Captain Colman is said to have been a nice man who treated the twins more like an adoptive father as opposed to an exploitive owner.
Unfortunately, in 1902, Doodica developed tuberculosis and the twins were separated in an attempt to save Radica. The surgery was considered a success although Doodica died shortly after the seperation. However, Radica still developed tuberculosis and died in 1903.


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