Thursday 3 December 2015

8. Giacomo and Giovanni Tocci

8. Giacomo and Giovanni Tocci

Giacomo and Giovanni Tocci Siamese Twins
The Tocci brothers were born in Italy in 1877 and were separated above the waist. They were given away by their parents to ‘The Royal Academy of Medicine in Turin’ when they were just one month old. There, they were examined and exhibited and eventually became extremely popular both in America and Europe. They were known as the ‘two-headed boy’ or the ‘blended-twins’.
Since they shared an abdomen, pelvis and legs, the twins never learned to walk and always needed assistance. Each twin controlled one leg and found it difficult to co-ordinate their movements with the other.
Since their birth, the twins were exhibited all around the world. They went on many tours, both in Europe and America. At the age of twenty, the twins decided to retire. They had made enough money both for themselves and their family. Besides, they never much cared for fame or money. They eventually married sisters and lived the rest of their lives in seclusion, near Venice.


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